SOLID en Refactoring

SOLID En Refactoring Betabit

In order to be able to write good code, it’s useful to follow certain guidelines. By following them, code will automatically be clearer and easier to expand. The best-known set of guidelines is that of the SOLID principles. Each letter of SOLID stands for a guideline: the five major principles in object-oriented programming. In this component, you’ll get to know the principles really well and how you can apply them to your code. The five principles: Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation, and Dependency inversion.

Sometimes you have to make adjustments to existing code so that it better complies with the programming principles of writing good code. Making these kinds of adjustments is called refactoring. You’ll learn how to adapt the structure of the code without changing the functionality.

Self-study: 1 - 3 days
Training: 1 - 2 days

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