Market leader with NLDigital

We thoroughly enjoy technology, but the spirit of the times is changing. And the changes are so rapid that we're having to look increasingly critically at what technology brings us and whether we are able to oversee the consequences. Are the changes desirable? Here at Betabit, we also stay critical. What do we make and what not? How do we make it? NLDigital is our platform on which to discuss and exchange thoughts on the subject seriously. Our founder, Luc, is on the Executive Committee of NLDigital.
One of the major issues is privacy. The European Union is leading the world with new legislation and within Europe, the Netherlands is again at the forefront. We are actively working on the development of the Data Pro Code in the lead group of NLDigital. That's our national implementation of the European GDPR Guideline.
Digital security is a growing issue. We believe that there is too little investment in our national, local, and personal security. Awareness is too low while criminality is digitising rapidly. NLDigital agrees with this opinion and is pursuing an active policy to turn words into actions. Both in politics and with its members. We are actively contributing to this objective.
Children are the future
Many Betabitters were lucky enough to experience making software as children. We experience on a daily basis the freedom and pleasure that those good digital skills afford us. Nice work for a nice salary. The opposite is also true. Without digital training, you won't be able to find work. At least, not as easily. With NLDigital, we are working actively to enable children to experience making software at a young age.